Why a Christian Advisor?

When it comes to choosing an advisor, this question is perhaps the most important of them all. When given the choice, there are many reasons to choose a Christian advisor that will incorporate sound, biblical wisdom into their financial advice.

Shared values & beliefs

When you work with a Christian advisor you ensure that you both have shared beliefs and values. This isn’t to say that you can’t share values and beliefs with a non-Christian advisor, or even an advisor that’s a Christian (i.e. they don’t incorporate biblical wisdom in their advice), but rather you’ll never get to connect with one of the aforementioned advisors on a spiritual level. We can’t stress how important this is when it comes to your stewardship journey.

What we know shapes what we believe, and what we believe determines what we DO.

If you haven’t done so already you can read our statement of faith here.


There are many competent advisors out there but our advisors are dually competent in their respective financial planning strategies AND in incorporating biblical wisdom into those strategies. Our advisors hold the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation, which is the gold standard within the financial planning industry at large. On top of that, all of our advisors in the Christian Financial Advisors Network hold the Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation, or are in the process of achieving it, which is the gold standard for biblical financial advice.

Please note the difference in competency and specialization. Our advisors each specialize in serving a specific subset of the Christian population.


When you work with a Christian advisor, and one that holds them self out as one, you can expect a higher level of integrity than the industry average. This is because a Christian advisor should be continually maturing in their faith as they live life.

Do note that Christian advisors are convicted and led by the Holy Spirit instead of their personal desires (for the most part). Are there some Christian advisors that aren’t above reproach when it comes to their work? Surely. Are there some secular advisors that are outstanding with impeccable integrity. Certainly. Just remember, that the calling of Christ and the life he encourages us to live is higher than any secular standard.

Different perspective, different counsel

Because Christian advisors have a Christian worldview everything they prescribe and advise will be from that perspective instead of the world’s. Now the advice may be similar but let’s not be fooled that all sound wisdom comes from above. Because Christian advisors have a biblical worldview they realize that God owns it all and that we’re just stewards. It’s this immutable truth that makes its way into every single piece of advice that a Christian advisor gives.

Counsel you may receive from a Christian advisor that you likely won’t from a non-Christian advisor may be, but not limited to:

  • Biblically responsible investing

  • Giving

  • Saving

  • Legacy - training the next steward

  • Answering specific faith related questions

    • Who owns it?

    • How much is enough? What is the finish line?

    • What is God trying to reveal to me?