The Illusion of Wealth: Why Money Won’t Solve Your Problems
In our modern culture, it is a common belief that money will fix your problems, bring harmony, and create fulfillment. In fact, a recent Empower study found that 71% of Americans think money would solve most of their problems. There is at least one American who does not agree, though.
A Case Study from the Rich Young Ruler
I get the privilege of teaching at my church this month on the topic of the Rich Young Ruler and I see a lot of overlap to financial planning conversations I get to have with our clients at Flourish FP. As such, I wanted to share a few thoughts with the CFAN followers from this famous account in scripture.
A Spiritual Perspective on Materialism
When we think about financial planning, the first things that come to mind are wealth accumulation, investment strategies, and building a comfortable future. While these are all important, there’s a deeper concern that often gets missed—the spiritual and moral implications of our relationship with money and possessions. It's crucial for believers to understand how to manage wealth effectively while guarding against the dangers of materialism. The good news is that those two goals can be achieved together.
A Biblical View of Insurance Products
While the Bible doesn’t give us many great examples of insurance products specifically, it does talk about how we are to respond to threats.
The Relationship Between Contentment and Wealth
I’ve often said that contentment is one of the most powerful tools that one can have within one's financial toolbox. Why? Because it offers both spiritual and financial benefits (more on this below). Contentment is one of the best ways to steward and plan well, all while guarding your heart against the power of money.
How to Build Wealth While Heeding the Bible’s Warnings to the Wealthy
It’s not uncommon to find tension between different passages of scripture in the Bible. Though it can sometimes feel confusing, this is part of the beauty of the Christian life.
Following Jesus isn’t about following a set of rules, but about giving our lives to the one who laid down His life for us. One of these tensions that we find in Scripture are the many warnings about the dangers of pursuing wealth, but also encouragement to save for the future and to build wealth. This blog post will explore this tension.
1 Timothy 6:17-19: How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Money
As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19 (ESV)
Should Christians Accumulate Wealth?
Is it morally acceptable as a Christian to accumulate financial wealth? The Bible has over 2,000 verses on money, but perhaps the most often-quoted verse is 1 Timothy 6:10.