Causes Our Advisors Love Supporting
As we continue to make our way through the Advent season it’s a great time to reflect on the coming of Christ and its significance. Oftentimes this season can become overshadowed by events, shopping, work, travel, and other year end activities but as Christians it’s an opportunity for meaningful preparation, reflection, and praise.
In this post our advisors get to talk about some of their favorite causes they support as they praise God and connect this season of giving to the birth of Christ and its eternal impact.
The Joy of Giving
As we prepare for Thanksgiving here in the United States, I am reminded that “Giving thanks” is what this holiday is all about. After all, the story of Thanksgiving says that it originated when pilgrim settlers celebrated their first harvest together with the Native Americans that helped them survive in the New World. They gave thanks to Our Lord for the blessings they were provided.
What Does the Bible Say About Work and Retirement?
In my early years, I viewed work as a punishment. I felt that it was unfair that I had chores to do. I felt that it was a punishment for being a child, subject to my parents’ whims and commands, rather than the contribution toward the good of the family that it was.
As I got older, however, my views changed on work. I began to earn money from my labor, and this changed everything. I began to see the importance of work in everyday life, as a requirement to earn money and pay for the things that were important to me.
What is Advent and How Does it Relate to Your Finances?
Each year our advisors love to collaborate on a group blog post around Advent/Christmas time and address what a specific topic means to us.
This year we chose, “What is Advent and how does it relate to your finances?”
What Does the Bible Say About Investing?
As Christians, one of our core beliefs is that the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God.
Is There a “Proper” Christian Lifestyle?
I run a Bible study at my church where we explore what God’s word has to say about finances and managing money.
Inevitably, as the study progresses, one of the most common questions I get is “What does the Bible say about how we should live? Does Jesus want us to sell all that we have and give the money to the poor?”
How We Guide Our Families Through Giving and Receiving During Advent
As we near Christmas, our advisors at the Christian Financial Advisors Network wanted to share how they guide their families through giving and receiving during the Advent season and the faith impact that it has.
Choosing and Preparing the Next Steward: A Christian View of Wealth Transfer
As stewards of what God has given us, it’s our responsibility to manage our finances for the will of the owner.
Scripture tells us in Psalms 24:1 that “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it(NIV).” Thus, the owner of all that we have is God.