Causes Our Advisors Love Supporting
As we continue to make our way through the Advent season it’s a great time to reflect on the coming of Christ and its significance. Oftentimes this season can become overshadowed by events, shopping, work, travel, and other year end activities but as Christians it’s an opportunity for meaningful preparation, reflection, and praise.
In this post our advisors get to talk about some of their favorite causes they support as they praise God and connect this season of giving to the birth of Christ and its eternal impact.
Do You Have Peace In Your Financial Life?
Before we even begin, I want to stop and rephrase the question: is it even possible to have peace in our financial lives?
As I was listening to a sermon titled, “Our Peace: God’s Will” by the late Dr. Charles Stanley, the question of whether we can have peace in our financial lives began percolating in my mind. We are used to discussing peace in our lives in the general sense of what we believe peace to be, but my mind started thinking about the correlation between peace in our lives and peace in our financial lives.
Are You Walking in Your Purpose?
I love the topic that my CFAN Colleague, Anil “Neil” Chacko, discussed last month, What Does The Bible Say About Work And Retirement?
He used the scripture Genesis 3:17, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”
Work was set up for us to do, since the beginning of time. God gave each of us a role to play.
What is Advent and How Does it Relate to Your Finances?
Each year our advisors love to collaborate on a group blog post around Advent/Christmas time and address what a specific topic means to us.
This year we chose, “What is Advent and how does it relate to your finances?”
Do You Really Need Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is one of the topics that is particularly sensitive to me.
Why, you might ask? And that would be a very fair question.
Isn’t life insurance necessary?
Dealing with Debt
Debt is a topic that has been coming up in conversations quite a bit recently.
My church body has been studying the topic this quarter in a series called: “Managing for the Master: Till He Comes”.
As a Christian financial advisor, I have been excited that this real world topic of debt, along with other financial topics, are being taught from a Biblical perspective. We know that money is important to the heart of God because there are over 2,300 verses pertaining to money in the Bible.
How We Guide Our Families Through Giving and Receiving During Advent
As we near Christmas, our advisors at the Christian Financial Advisors Network wanted to share how they guide their families through giving and receiving during the Advent season and the faith impact that it has.
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is a topic that is very dear to my heart. As I’ve studied more on the subject, I first have to ask the question: What is stewardship?